
Monday, December 21, 2009

Your Diet Will Help You to Concieve.

As almost every woman knows, it is important to eat a healthy, well balanced diet while you are pregnant. The benefits afforded you and especially your baby is absolutely invaluable. But, do you realize just how important it is to eat well while you are trying to conceive?
If you are actively engaged in trying to fall pregnant you need to ensure your body is prepared to accept the challenges that pregnancy will bring. The first thing you absolutely need to do before beginning to try is to speak to your own doctor. Your GP will need to see how you measure up health wise before giving you any advice or supplemental nutrition. Your doctor may feel you need to lose a few pounds before getting pregnant or perhaps you may even need to gain a few? Your doctor may recommend that you change your eating habits or start an exercise regime.

As soon as you decide you want to try for a baby, it is recommended to start getting into the habit of eating healthier. You should slowly begin to cut down caffeine with a view to stopping altogether during conception, pregnancy and breast feeding. If you are a smoker, this is also a good time to quit as opposed to waiting until you have tested positive. Smoking has been proven to decrease your fertility, and increase your risk of miscarriage if you are still smoking while pregnant.

Another thing you could do is start taking prenatal supplements, or at least a multivitamin supplement that contains approximately 400 micrograms of folic acid. You should also alter your diet to include foods that are rich in folic acid such as:-
  • spinach and other green vegetables
  • peanuts
  • orange juice

  • You could start taking a prenatal vitamin also. These vitamins contain:-
  • iron
  • folic acid
  • calcium
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin B
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin B12

  • Reevaluate your current diet totally. Start eating foods that contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Cut right back or totally eliminate foods that contain fats or excessive amounts of sugar. Ideally you need to eat foods that have a high nutrient density. Eat at least five servings per day of fruits and vegetables along with protein and iron rich foods like dried fruit, and green vegetables.

    Try to avoid raw fish like sushi, and steer very clear of undercooked shellfish, meat or chicken. It is recommended that you try to avoid fish that has a high mercury content such as swordfish, shark, or king mackerel. Cut out any food that uses unpasteurized milk, this includes such cheeses such as brie, camembert, and some Mexican cheese. Also discontinue foods that have raw egg in them, like homemade cookie dough.

    Make sure you increase your water intake. Water should always be your beverage of choice before, during and after your pregnancy. Water helps to flush your system of any toxins. Once you've taken your daily minimum of eight glasses, you can supplement that with fruit juice or vegetable juice.

    Possibly the most critical thing you can do before you get pregnant is to eliminate all alcohol intake. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have stated that women who drink alcohol may well have a harder time getting pregnant than women who do not drink. Another good reason to give up alcohol is that most birth defects that are attributed to alcohol exposure will usually occur in the first few weeks of pregnancy, which is before you even aware that you are pregnant.

    Getting your body prepared for the possibility of pregnancy is one of the best decisions you can make. Your body will be more able to cope with the challenges of growing a baby and the experience will inevitably be easier on your body.

    For more information, go to

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    Female Infertility - Causes and Natural Remedies.

    Infertility in women is a problem area that is generally treated with IVF or similar programs. This does not need to be the case when natural, or holistic, methods are freely available. A no-drugs alternative should be the first choice for any couple having trouble getting pregnant.

    While it is true that many men are the cause of their partners failing to fall pregnant, such issues as endometriosis are generally perceived as only being treatable by the medical fraternity. This is incorrect.

    Alternative therapies are available in this area and should be explored first, before resorting to invasive and often painful procedures. Drugs, exploratory surgery and IVF treatment should only be used if a natural approach fails.

    These days, with such a wide spectrum of natural remedies available for all types of illness, more people are turning to holistic health methods before resorting to dangerous, invasive medical procedures and this should be encouraged.

    One obvious alternative to conventional female infertility treatments is called 'Pregnancy Miracle'. This program is not only a completely natural system to overcome such issues as endometriosis, it also comprises a personal support aspect to help build confidence in both partners and answer any questions or concerns they may have.

    To find out more information on this complete , natural method to overcoming infertility go 'HERE'.

    Looking Forward To a Great Future.
    Colin Brennan.

    Difficulty Falling Pregnant Even With Modern Medicine?

    Having a child is a special time in most of our lives. Many of us choose to have children for different reasons, but the desire to bring a new life into the world and carry on our family genes is a feeling that is hard to contain.

    After all, for many women especially, it feels like their sole purpose in life is to produce a child so the family may continue to grow.

    Having a baby not only carries on the family gene and extends the family tree, but it also brings a new source of love and inspiration into our lives.

    But I know how it feels, having a family member who is unable to conceive. She feels like her self esteem is being broken down, and describes the emotion as "feeling inadequate" for not being able to produce new life.

    Her frustration is on the rise as you try everything and still no signs of pregnancy.

    For these reasons, it's crucial to find a way to cure your infertility problems once and for all.

    Lisa Olson tells you that with her 'Pregnancy Miracle' system you will get pregnant quickly and naturally, usually within 2 months. It also allows you to avoid drugs and expensive medical procedures such as IVF.

    I can tell you that 'Pregnancy Miracle' contains so much information that, at first, it can seem a bit overwhelming. You do not have to implement every procedure in this system, you simply customize the solutions to suit your own situation.

    This is a proven system with accurate, easy to follow advice and also includes personal support to boost your confidence and give you every chance of success.

    For the complete details go to

    Wishing you success in your future endeavors,
    Colin F Brennan.